[vtkusers] Visualizing a surface

virtual tea kit paul_geus at hotmail.com
Sun May 6 05:20:09 EDT 2018

That is a very impressive result. 
Thank you!

I have made the same experience regarding the parameters. 
For each data set the parameters are different. But here is what I did,
which works okay until now: 

I largely follow the this tutorial:

However, for the radius in the distance and vtkextractsurface functions I
set a much smaller value, than the one given in the example. There, the
radius is dependend on the bounds. This led to bad results in my case.  

I then pass the signeddistancefunction to the extractsurface function and
try creating a surface. 
Sometimes, if the parameters are wrong no surface-volume is created. Or a
surface-volume with a lot of holes is created. That is why I put the whole
thing into a loop. 
At the end of the loop, i check the number of cells created by the
vtkextractsurface. If that is smaller than 1.5*number of points in polydata
then I restart the loop and increase the parameters. This has led to a
fairly robust function that keeps creating surfaces. 
I hope this helped. 
Kind regards :)

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