[vtkusers] Create PolyData in vtk.js

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Fri Jul 27 14:36:49 EDT 2018

Ideally we would implement a standard unstructured grid reader which will
just reproduce the same structure as the one available in C++ without
processing/conversion to polydata.
Then you will have to apply a filter that will extract the surface of each
of those cells and remove the inner surfaces that in fact aims to convert
your unstructured grid into a PolyData.

In order to implement that filter, you will need:
- a table for each cell type that list its surface cells
(triangle/quad/line/vertex from all the 3d ones)
- Then you will have to gather all those surface cells and eliminate those
which are present twice (internal face) (cell pointing to the same set of
point id)
- You will have to only use the points that are use by those cells to
produce that polydata and remap any data array based on that new indexing
system for both cells and points.

In any case you can either implement it yourself, or Kitware can help via
consulting/support contract.



On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 1:54 AM marf <marvin.huber at basf.com> wrote:

> Ok, I just looked at your answer and since there is no filter for that,
> could
> you hint me in any direction on how to determine which faces are internal
> and can be removed? I'm not exactly experienced with computer graphics and
> didn't find a solution yet
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