[vtkusers] Embed VTK in a GUI
Andrew E. Slaughter
andrew.slaughter at inl.gov
Mon Aug 20 08:39:37 EDT 2018
My recommendation is to use PySide (https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python), the official Python bindings for Qt. I have used Python and PySide (the old one), PyQt4, and PyQt5 to maintain a VTK based GUI for many years, they work well together. Good luck.
From: vtkusers <vtkusers-bounces at public.kitware.com> on behalf of manhta152 <niuton152 at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 3:58:58 AM
To: vtkusers at vtk.org
Subject: [vtkusers] Embed VTK in a GUI
Hi everyone,
I have a computational modeling program that has been written in Matlab. I
developed a GUI in Matlab and used VTK to visualize and interact (transform,
cut, deform, etc.,) CAD models. However, Matlab GUI does not support
embedding VTK, resulting in a separate Matlab GUI and a VTK rendering
window. I have looked for options to embed VTK in a GUI that works similar
to 3D Slicer. I know that I can do it in Qt, Python and PyQt, Python and Tk,
Jave, and C#.
The problem is my program consists of many matrix-based calculations that
may take a great deal of effort if I develop the program in Qt and C#.
Python is quite close to Matlab that I think I can develop the program in a
short period and save time.
For those who have experience in developing an app using VTK and PyQt,
please let me know I should use VTK and PyQt4 or PyQt5 and why?
Also, if you think Qt or C# can work more efficiently than Python (I don't
have much experience in Qt), please let me know your thoughts and share with
me how I can work efficiently with matrices in Qt and C#.
Thanks in advance. I do appreciate any input.
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