[vtkusers] Antialiasing questions on 8.1.0.rc2

Ken Martin ken.martin at kitware.com
Fri Dec 8 14:11:24 EST 2017

Well what did render looks nice :-) The errors are unrelated I believe.

I just ran the example test for SSAA and it looks fine so I suspect it is
something different between the test and your code. I would guess that
something has turned depth testing off and SSAAPass or related is not
turning them on at the right time. Maybe try looking at the difference
between the test I linked and your code and see if changing one of them
makes the difference.

On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Langer, Stephen A. (Fed) <
stephen.langer at nist.gov> wrote:

> Hi Ken --
> Thanks.  That helps a lot.
> FXAA seems to work, but SSAA is giving me strange results for the surface
> representation of grids of tetrahedral or hexahedra.  Some surfaces aren't
> drawn, some are drawn at the wrong depth, and there are error messages from
> vtkSSAAPass:
> ERROR: In /Users/langer/UTIL/VTK/VTK-8.1.0.rc2/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkSSAAPass.cxx,
> line 59
> vtkSSAAPass (0x7fc596326370): FrameBufferObject should have been deleted
> in ReleaseGraphicsResources().
> ERROR: In /Users/langer/UTIL/VTK/VTK-8.1.0.rc2/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkSSAAPass.cxx,
> line 63
> vtkSSAAPass (0x7fc596326370): Pass1 should have been deleted in
> ReleaseGraphicsResources().
> ERROR: In /Users/langer/UTIL/VTK/VTK-8.1.0.rc2/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkSSAAPass.cxx,
> line 67
> vtkSSAAPass (0x7fc596326370): Pass2 should have been deleted in
> ReleaseGraphicsResources().
> I've attached two screenshots, with and without SSAA.  The displayed
> object is the output from a vtkRectlinearGridAlgorithm subclass that I've
> defined to take data from a vtkImage and display the voxels as rectangular
> prisms instead of points.  I don't think that that subclass is the problem,
> since it displays correctly with no antialiasing, and also with FXAA or the
> old AA frames.
> -- Steve
> *From: *Ken Martin <ken.martin at kitware.com>
> *Date: *Friday, December 8, 2017 at 8:54 AM
> *To: *"Langer, Stephen A. (Fed)" <stephen.langer at nist.gov>
> *Cc: *VTK Users <vtkusers at vtk.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [vtkusers] Antialiasing questions on 8.1.0.rc2
> See this post
> https://blog.kitware.com/new-fxaa-anti-aliasing-option-in-paraviewvtk/
> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.kitware.com%2Fnew-fxaa-anti-aliasing-option-in-paraviewvtk%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cstephen.langer%40nist.gov%7C4091306cc92141960d2f08d53e433c3b%7C2ab5d82fd8fa4797a93e054655c61dec%7C1%7C0%7C636483380855721972&sdata=Qd9llJG%2B287hmUMlQ3u8%2FL0sffswGvkAEl7i9ocPQ9I%3D&reserved=0>
> which talks about using FXAA in Paraview, but the support is built into
> VTK via
> https://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkRenderer.html#
> a3f46ed85e17e5e297e6c3b02be07ebba
> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vtk.org%2Fdoc%2Fnightly%2Fhtml%2FclassvtkRenderer.html%23a3f46ed85e17e5e297e6c3b02be07ebba&data=02%7C01%7Cstephen.langer%40nist.gov%7C4091306cc92141960d2f08d53e433c3b%7C2ab5d82fd8fa4797a93e054655c61dec%7C1%7C0%7C636483380855721972&sdata=RFV5AUlwNJbfJjelCsjhdZouBB%2FJCLMrZ0pmTFIOHVc%3D&reserved=0>
> Other options include SSAA an example of which is shown here
> https://github.com/Kitware/VTK/blob/master/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Cxx/
> TestSSAAPass.cxx
> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FKitware%2FVTK%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2FRendering%2FOpenGL2%2FTesting%2FCxx%2FTestSSAAPass.cxx&data=02%7C01%7Cstephen.langer%40nist.gov%7C4091306cc92141960d2f08d53e433c3b%7C2ab5d82fd8fa4797a93e054655c61dec%7C1%7C0%7C636483380855721972&sdata=oTJ%2FBzRzoC6ruS0hqBFh1rj8MNommlBWk%2B7NqJMXk8o%3D&reserved=0>
> Both should be faster than the old AAFrames approach. FXAA will be very
> fast, almost free, SSAA will be slower than FXAA and depends on its
> settings, as it is a more brute force approach,. But even SSAA should be
> faster than the old AA frames approach.
> Thanks!
> Ken
> On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 4:51 PM, Langer, Stephen A. (Fed) <
> stephen.langer at nist.gov> wrote:
> Hi --
> I'm trying out 8.1.0.rc2 and it says that antialiasing with
> vtkRenderWindow::SetAAFrames is deprecated, so I tried using
> SetMultiSamples instead.   If I set a non-trivial number of samples before
> the first call to Render, it works, but if I change the the number of
> samples and call Render again, it has no effect.  Is this expected?  Do I
> have to do something else to get the sampling to change?  This is using
> vtkCocoaRenderWindow.
> Is there a different substitute for SetAAFrames?  SetMultiSamples also has
> no effect on a Linux VM where I'm using vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.  I'm
> guessing that's because the VM has no hardware graphics acceleration.  Is
> there a non-deprecated replacement for SetAAFrames that doesn't rely on
> hardware?
> Thanks.
>  -- Steve
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> --
> Ken Martin PhD
> Distinguished Engineer
> Kitware Inc.
> 28 Corporate Drive
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=28+Corporate+Drive+%0D+Clifton+Park+NY+12065&entry=gmail&source=g>
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Ken Martin PhD
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