[vtkusers] Somehow mesa-12 first rendering is slow

Edson Contreras Cárdenas edrecon at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 11:07:53 EDT 2016

Hi Chuck,

As I thought and you suggested, the problem was llvm. I've already built
and tested it using cmake and your flags, and works faster. (at least now
behaves like your prebuilt binary)

Thanks for all your support and quick response :-)


2016-07-13 8:27 GMT-04:00 Chuck Atkins <chuck.atkins at kitware.com>:

> Hi Edson,
> It looks like you're getting llvmpipe correctly so that's good.  Your
> suspicion regarding the llvm build is a good place to start.  If you look
> in the el6/Dockerfile in the repo I sent you, you can see the entire build
> configuration of the image, including llvm.  Try configuring llvm with
> CMake instead of autotools using the following:
> cmake \
>   -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
>   -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/llvm/install \
>   /path/to/llvm/source
> - Chuck
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Edson Contreras Cárdenas <
> edrecon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello world,
>> I'm trying to get running my application with VTK-7.0-OpenGL2 and
>> mesa-12.0 and it gets slow with the first render. (after I call
>> m_renderer->Render() it takes 5-7 seconds to show the image and after that
>> everything goes smooth and ok)
>> The thing is that I try Chuck's libGL.so (paraview pre-built binary) and
>> it takes a second or maybe 2 seconds performing the same action, with the
>> same actors. I'm building mesa-12.0 with the following configuration: (same
>> that Chuck sent me in a mesa-users thread)
>> OS  = RHEL6.6
>> CC  = gcc(5.2.0)
>> CXX = g++(5.2.0)
>> BASELIBS_PREFIX=/remote/sharedLibs
>> ../mesa-12.0.0/configure \
>>     --with-llvm-prefix=${BASELIBS_PREFIX}/llvm-3.8            \
>>     --enable-opengl --disable-gles1 --disable-gles2           \
>>     --disable-va --disable-gbm --disable-xvmc --disable-vdpau \
>>     --enable-shared-glapi                                     \
>>     --disable-texture-float                                   \
>>     --disable-dri --with-dri-drivers=                         \
>>     --enable-gallium-llvm --disable-llvm-shared-libs          \
>>     --with-gallium-drivers=swrast,swr                         \
>>     --disable-egl --disable-gbm --with-egl-platforms=         \
>>     --enable-gallium-osmesa                                   \
>>     --enable-glx                                              \
>>     --prefix=${BASELIBS_PREFIX}/mesa-12.0
>> edsonc at mesa-tests:~> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>> ${BASELIBS_PREFIX}/mesa-12.0/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
>> edsonc at mesa-tests:~> glxinfo | grep -i opengl
>>   OpenGL vendor string: VMware, Inc.
>>   OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.8, 128 bits)
>>   OpenGL version string: 3.2 (Core Profile) Mesa 12.0.0
>>   OpenGL shading language version string: 3.30
>>   OpenGL extensions:
>> My guess is that I'm building wrong llvm-3.8 library. In any case, I also
>> add the flags of how I built it.
>> ../llvm-3.8.0.src/configure              \
>>     --prefix=${BASELIBS_PREFIX}/llvm-3.8 \
>>     --disable-shared                     \
>>     --enable-optimized                   \
>>     --enable-cxx1y
>> The prebuilt binary that I'm referring above, is located under:
>> https://data.kitware.com/#user/56eac32b8d777f0457177859/folder/56eac32b8d777f045717785a
>> Thanks for your support.
>> Regards,
>> Edson
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Edson René Contreras Cárdenas
Ingeniero Civil Electrónico
TCAD R&D Software Engineer II
Synopsys Chile
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