[vtkusers] Fwd: Unsure how to use vtkDelaunay3D

vtk matt vtkmatt at gmail.com
Wed May 27 19:41:44 EDT 2015

Hi all,

I have spent the past few days trying to figure out how to use
vtkDelaunay3D properly and decided I'd better seek out some help.  My goal
is relatively straight-forward:  Given a set of points in 3D, generate a
tetrahedral mesh, and use the results to determine which tetrahedron
contains an arbitrary point.

In its simplest form I am doing the following:

vtkSmartPointer<vtkDelaunay3D> tets = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDelaunay3D>::New();
printf("Number of tets: %d\n",

The output claims there are zero tetrahedrons.  However if I render an
actor from tets->GetOutput(), I am able to visualize a wireframe surface
mesh, so I know it's doing something.

So I guess my questions are the following:  Why does the output not contain
any tetrahedrons?  Why does the mesh only show surface triangles?
Ultimately what is the proper way to construct a tetrahedral mesh such that
I can query which tetrahedron contains an arbitrary point?


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