[vtkusers] VTK as a Scala Build Tool Dependency

Robert Häckl robert_haeckl at fear-gfx.de
Fri Mar 21 11:41:37 EDT 2014

I don't get it. I downloaded the Ubuntu-SuperBuild-Java 
<http://open.cdash.org/buildSummary.php?buildid=3262325> one. Do I have 
to run the cmake stuff? Haha, sorry for being noobish :D But I already 
have problems to run cmake. Possibly, I need some advise what I have to 
write into my console. This is weird stuff :(.
Thanks so far!

Am 21.03.2014 15:02, schrieb Sebastien Jourdain:
> Hi Robert,
> As today being the first day that is available, there is a path via 
> Maven. Although, none of the generated binaries have been tested and a 
> full integration with maven still requires more work, but still there 
> is a way now. ;-)
> The current status, is that we generate java binaries for different 
> platforms in a maven friendly way, but no repository or so are 
> available yet. In theory, we should gather all those binaries and 
> install them once, but for now they are only available independently 
> from each other.
> To download them, go to => http://open.cdash.org/index.php?project=VTK
> And at the bottom of the page, you should see yellow boxes that will 
> allow you to download the files that have been generated by that platform.
> Then, the pom.xml that goes with it expect somehow the other platforms 
> files to be there too. So before calling Maven, for your usage, you 
> will need to patch that file yourself.
> And once again, this is bleeding edge, so those are not tested. 
> Although, if you could get back to us to let us know how it worked and 
> if anything could be improved within that very first step, that will 
> be great.
> Thanks,
> Seb
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 6:22 AM, Robert Häckl 
> <robert_haeckl at fear-gfx.de <mailto:robert_haeckl at fear-gfx.de>> wrote:
>     Hi there,
>     I just want to know, if there is any way to use VTK as a
>     dependency in a Scala Build Tool project. Possibly also as a maven
>     dependency.
>     Installig vtk via synaptic on ubuntu is no problem so far. But
>     when I use the "run"-command in my sbt project, there is an
>     UnsatisfiedLinkError. When I just run the class with the vtk stuff
>     without sbt everything is running, but this is not my desired way
>     because I have a lot of other stuff, which I like to run with sbt.
>     Furthermore I do not think, that I have to set some PATH
>     variables, because adding a dependency in a sbt or maven project
>     imply that I do not have to configure something on my OS or so,
>     except the Java stuff. You know what I mean? I just want to start
>     smooth and clean my stuff within my sbt project in my intellij IDE.
>     Any suggestions?
>     Kind regards
>     Robert
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