[vtkusers] DICOM writing

Richard Whitehead richard.whitehead at vivosight.com
Tue Jun 10 05:18:34 EDT 2014

Please can someone tell me how to export a volume or slices to DICOM files?
I have found on the web a reference to vtkDICOMWriter, but it doesn't seem
to be part of VTK 6.1.

Many thanks for you help,


Richard Whitehead *–* Senior Imaging Engineer

*Michelson Diagnostics Ltd*

*M:* +44 (0)7905 955276   *T:* +44 (0)20 8308 1695

*E: *richard.whitehead at vivosight.com   *W:* www.vivosight.com


Michelson Diagnostics Ltd, 1 Grays Farm Production Village, Grays Farm
Road, Orpington, Kent  BR5 3BD, UK

Registered Office: 3 Shearwater, Maidstone, ME16 0DW.     Registered in
England No. 5732681
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