[vtkusers] ActiViz | WindowColor | Memory Corrupt..

Matias Montroull matimontg at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 17:22:53 EST 2014


Currently, I have an array of vtkImageViewer and an array of
vtkRenderWindow to display 12 images in a mosaic. When I switch tabs and
come back to the mosaic, I can zoom, move, pan, rotate, but when I try
ColorWindow  change then I get this:
*Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication
that other memory is corrupt.*

I've read that when using ActiViz, it is important to hold .NET managed
references to vtk objects or objects used by vtk objects. Skipping this
step often will result in AccessViolationExceptions or other type of errors
where .NET performs garbage collection on memory that is still being used
by VTK but this only happens to me when trying to perform WindowColor
change so I'm lost..

Here's my code:

  vtkImageViewer2[] _ImageViewer; _ImageViewer = new vtkImageViewer2[12];
vtkRenderWindow[] ren; ren = new vtkRenderWindow[12]; for (int i = 0; i <
12; i++) { _ImageViewer[i] = new vtkImageViewer2(); vtkDICOMImageReader
reader = vtkDICOMImageReader.New();
reader.SetFileName(ofdmulti.FileNames[i]); reader.Update();
_ImageViewer[i].SetInputConnection(reader.GetOutputPort()); ren[i] =
renderWindowControl[i].RenderWindow; vtkRenderWindowInteractor interactor =
new vtkRenderWindowInteractor();
_ImageViewer[i].SetRenderWindow(ren[i]); _ImageViewer[i].Render(); }
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