[vtkusers] Help for VTK installation

João Fernando Mari joaofmari at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 07:10:03 EST 2013

Hi Ana,

I followed this tutorial and worked fine! I used it to compile VTK
version 5.10.1.

Now I’m using Python(x,y), as indicated by Marcelino. It is very much easy!

João F. Mari
Federal University of Viçosa
Campus Rio Paranaíba – Brazil

2013/10/28 Ana Margarida Mota <ninimota87 at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I'm new with VTK and I don't know what steps I should do to install it.
> I already download the vtk-6.0.0.zip file but then I don't know to do
> because there isn't any application to run. Someone can help me please? I
> have Windows 7 Home Premium.
> I really appreciate any help!
> Thank you!
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