[vtkusers] Can I build VTK w/o Cosmo?

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Fri Mar 15 10:21:35 EDT 2013

Cosmo is cosmology research code from LANL. The library itself is in
ThirdParty/Cosmo (thus not vtk prefixed) and Filters/Cosmo contains the
reader and filter that use that library. A quick glance makes me think that
in VTK 5 you have to hack the CMakeLists files to turn it off. In VTK 6 it
is a non-default module that you have to turn on to enable.

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:12 AM, Gerrick Bivins <
Gerrick.Bivins at halliburton.com> wrote:

>  Hi All,****
> I have an issue where we have a conflict with Cosmo.dll. I have an
> application that depends on an “in-house third party” lib named Cosmo. When
> I ****
> added VTK as a dependency, at runtime, I get unresolved errors with Cosmo
> depending on what which calling code is executed first and the PATH setup.
> ****
> On top of that, the application is OSGi based so everything is “lazy
> loaded”…****
> Sort of confusing to describe but anyway, I can’t change the name of the
> “in-house third party” lib so my question is two-fold:****
> **1)      **Can I build VTK w/o Cosmo (what is Cosmo anyway? importer?)***
> *
> **2)      **Can I change the name of the VTK Cosmo library so that it
> doesn’t conflict ? (shouldn’t this be prefixed with vtk, aka vtkCosmo
> anyway?)****
> **3)      **Any other suggestions?****
> Any advice here would be greatly appreciated.****
> Gerrick****
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