[vtkusers] synchronous update between vtkImagePlaneWidget and vtkResliceCursorWidget

Dean Inglis inglis.dl at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 10:44:29 EDT 2013


try the following code snippet.  Basically, create a callback class wherein
you decide how to update the reslice cursor widget from the image plane
Add the callback to listen for the image plane widget's InteractionEvent.


class myCallback : public vtkCommand
    static myCallback *New() {
      return new myCallback; }

    void Execute( vtkObject* vtkNotUsed(caller), unsigned long
                  void * vtkNotUsed(callData) )
      /** do something with ipwidget and rcwidget when the ipwidget fires a
           an interaction event signal */

 myCallback():ipwidget( 0 ), rcwidget( 0 ){}
  ~myCallback(){ this->ipwidget= 0; this->rcwidget = 0; }
  vtkImagePlaneWidget* ipwidget;
  vtkResliceCursorWidget* rcwidget;

void myclass::some_setup_method()
  vtkSmartPointer<myCallback> cbk = vtkSmartPointer<myCallback>::New();
  cbk->ipwidget = this->ipwidget;
  cbk->rcwidget = this->rcwidget;
  this->ipwidget->AddObserver( vtkCommand::InteractionEvent, cbk );

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 10:15 PM, nil_debug <ljp19890525 at 163.com> wrote:

> **
> Hello,
> Is anyone can help me? Now I have defined a vtkImagePlaneWidget and a
> vtkResliceCursorWidget,  I would like to when dragging the
>  vtkImagePlaneWidget the   vtkResliceCursorWidget can move.In a word  I
> don't know how to a "AddObserver" for the vtkImagePlaneWidget from
> the vtkResliceCursorWidget! I do know  I should define a "myCallBack",but
> How?
> Will be deeply grateful !
> ------------------------------
> nil_debug
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