[vtkusers] VTK and CUDA and Parallel Dataflow Streaming (PDS)

Qiang Wang wangq1979 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 13:15:11 EST 2013

Hi there,

I am using VTK 5.10 to do some contour rendering and 2D image processing
with capacity of handling images about 10000 images per minute, but the
performance is below our expectation. Therefore, I need some improvement in
terms of performance, and here are my questions:

1. I was wondering how much VTK leverages the GPU capabilities and supports
CUDA? Does VTK support GPU capabilities and CUDA in general terms instead
of only for some specific data types or algorithms such as FFT?

2. Since the 2D images we concerned are actually raw data which are not
supported by VTK, they have to be loaded and processed by our own class. In
this case, can I still utilise the VTK-provided GPC/CUDA facilities?

3. I recently read the paper of  "streaming-enabled parallel data flow
framework in the visualization toolkit", and the author said the current
release of VTK includes a complete implementation of PDS. But when I
explored the document, I did not find the class or function provided by
PDS. Do I need install any extension to support PDS?


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