[vtkusers] Error: "No memory left on the GPU even for a minimal block

David Hope ARA/SED dhope at ara.com
Tue Aug 20 14:44:53 EDT 2013

Upon further investigation, here is what I found...

The Activiz wrapper treats the GPU memory size as a "signed int", so the new computer had more than 2GB of GPU memory, so the system believed that it had a negative amount of memory.

I'm not sure if the issue starts/stops at the Activiz wrapper, or is  also in the C++ base code. This is the case in Activiz for VTK 5.8.0, I'm not sure if the issue has been resolved since then.

My workaround is to check to see if the Maximum GPU memory is <0 to set it to 1.9GB, that seems to resolve the issue for me.

How do I report the issue?


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