[vtkusers] vtkRenderWindowInteractor and mouse events

Gib Bogle g.bogle at auckland.ac.nz
Thu Aug 15 12:43:04 EDT 2013

As I posted previously, I'm trying to find out how to suppress a behaviour of 
the interactor (which I observer using QVTKWidget) when viewing 2D images, i.e. 
with vtkInteractorStyleImage.  When the mouse is dragged with left button 
pressed the image intensities are changed.  I have not been able to locate where 
this is being done, so now I'm looking into catching MouseMove events when the 
left button is down.

I have been playing with code based on the CommandSubclass example. Using 
AddObserver() I can detect MouseMoveEvent and LeftButtonPressEvent, but 
interestingly not LeftButtonReleaseEvent. Here are the relevant code fragments:

class CommandSubclass2 : public vtkCommand
     vtkTypeMacro(CommandSubclass2, vtkCommand);

     static CommandSubclass2 *New()
       return new CommandSubclass2;

     void Execute(vtkObject *vtkNotUsed(caller), unsigned long vtkNotUsed(eventId),
                         void *vtkNotUsed(callData))
//      std::cout << "timer callback" << std::endl;
       std::cout << "mouse callback" << std::endl;

class CommandSubclass3 : public vtkCommand
     vtkTypeMacro(CommandSubclass3, vtkCommand);

     static CommandSubclass3 *New()
       return new CommandSubclass3;

     void Execute(vtkObject *vtkNotUsed(caller), unsigned long vtkNotUsed(eventId),
                         void *vtkNotUsed(callData))
       std::cout << "left button pressed" << std::endl;


class CommandSubclass4 : public vtkCommand
     vtkTypeMacro(CommandSubclass4, vtkCommand);

     static CommandSubclass4 *New()
       return new CommandSubclass4;

     void Execute(vtkObject *vtkNotUsed(caller), unsigned long vtkNotUsed(eventId),
                         void *vtkNotUsed(callData))
       std::cout << "left button released" << std::endl;



   vtkSmartPointer<CommandSubclass2> mouseCallback = 
   renderWindowInteractor->AddObserver ( vtkCommand::MouseMoveEvent, 
mouseCallback );
   vtkSmartPointer<CommandSubclass3> leftButtonPressCallback = 
   renderWindowInteractor->AddObserver ( vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent, 
leftButtonPressCallback );
   vtkSmartPointer<CommandSubclass4> leftButtonReleaseCallback = 
   renderWindowInteractor->AddObserver ( vtkCommand::LeftButtonReleaseEvent, 
leftButtonReleaseCallback );

Have I made a mistake that I can't see?  If not, should I be surprised by this?

Of course I'd be happy if someone could suggest another path to my destination.


Dr. Gib Bogle
Senior Research Fellow
Auckland Bioengineering Institute
University of Auckland
New Zealand


g.bogle at auckland.ac.nz
(64-9) 373-7599 Ext. 87030

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