[vtkusers] Can VTK be used with Codegear XE4 compilers???

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 18:16:40 EDT 2013

On Fri, 2 Aug 2013 14:26:57 -0600, David Gobbi <david.gobbi at gmail.com>

>On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 2:00 PM, Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Made a test by downloading the latest CMake ( and used it
>> instead.
>> Same result, error on compiler check....
>Following up on my suspicion that the "-L" option is the problem,
>there are a couple simple experiments that you can do.
>First, try compiling a simple "hello world" program with
>-LC:\Programs\Embarcadero\RADStudio\11.0\lib as an option to the
>compiler to see if bcc complains about the -L option.  If it does,
>then try compiling with a space after the -L to see if bcc requires a
>space after options.
>If bcc works after you add a space after the -L, then the next step is
>to modify your copy of cmake.  Compilation with bcc is controlled by
>the following file within your cmake distrubution:
>Inside that file, you can fine this line:
>and change it to this (i.e. add the space)
>If that allows you to build VTK, then you can share the fix with the
>CMake developers.

Back again...

>From where does CMake get its path information for the -L option?
I have installed RAD Studio to a non-default location because I hate
the Microsoft "Program Files bla-bla-bla" folder structure. So I
always install dev tools into C:\Programs\<tool name>.

I had a look at the disk to see if I could figure out something and in
fact when I went to C:\Programs\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\11.0\lib I
found no files at all, instead there were a number of subdirctories:


So if the option is meant to point to a directory with a set of files
then it is wrong and should include a specifier like win32 or similar.

The error message:
Fatal: Expected an option: LC:\Programs\Embarcadero\RAD

makes me believe that this option was *not* sent to the linker but it
does not say what it got instead of what it expected and what it
expected does not lead to a dir with files inside...

But I have no idea what/where/how this shall be working, just trying
to follow a cook-book document. :-(

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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