[vtkusers] Can VTK be used with Codegear XE4 compilers???

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 13:22:10 EDT 2013

On Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:30:40 -0400, Robert Maynard
<robert.maynard at kitware.com> wrote:

>If my memory is correct we fixed some XE4 issues for the 5.8 release.
>I don't know if that was for the new 64bit compiler they have (clang
>based) or the old 32bit compiler.
The situation is as follows:
I need to set up a working development IDE for the application that
was developed using BDS2006 (C++ Builder). To do that I have to
compile VTK and build the IDE package vtkBorlandRenderWindowPkg.
At the time the developer left the company VTK he used VTK version
5.0.2, so I have tried to get everything as close to that process as
The CMake used was 2.8.8 so that is what I also used.
I can do this with BDS2006 but it is a long and tedious path to set it
all up (mainly because I don't understand all the workings of

But now I need to move on to the latest compiler, RAD Studio XE4, and
I have tried to follow the leftover how-to:
- Check out tag VTK-5-0-2 of VTK from public.kitware.com via cvs
- Set up environment variables for the souce directory (VTKSRC) and
output binaries (VTKBIN).
- Start CMakeGui and select Borland makefile and the source folder.

At this point I get an error from CMake: "Error in configuration
process, project files may be invalid"...

What does that mean and what can I do about it?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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