[vtkusers] Using vtkLineSource as guide for imported 3D object

Enzo Matsumiya enzo.ferlin at micromar.eng.br
Tue Apr 30 17:11:59 EDT 2013

Well, I was denied to post the pictures of our STL model here, but I'll try to explain it better:

- Imagine I have a simple cylinder that is in a STL file;
- And I have a rendered vtkLineSource;
- I import the STL file and bind its contents to the LineSource, so that every change I make *to the LineSource*, will change the imported STL in the same way.
- And then I would set the LineSource's alpha to 0 (for eyecandy), but I would still be modifying it,, allowing me to bind any other STL model to that line


> In order to handle such use case, you would attach listener to the LineSource so you could manually compute the transformation of your STL data and update the transformation matrix of its actor automatically.

I'm a layman, I don't understand what you're saying here :( but I really appreciate your reply.

Thanks again!

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