[vtkusers] vtkPolyDataMapper::New() returns null for the VTK nightly build

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 06:23:03 EST 2012

> 1. It would be nice to have the documentation for each class specify the
> library it goes into. This could be achieved with a script that checks each
> library and updates the documentation for all the files it contains.

I agree, and actually suggested this long ago:

it seems like there was a "sure, do it" consensus, but I never found the
time. It is probably different now after the modularization anyway (we may
want to show the module and the library that a class belongs to). David
Gobbi suggested the file in which to place this script
(VTK/Utilities/Doxygen/doc_header2doxygen.pl) - so perhaps someone is
interested in taking a crack at this?

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