[vtkusers] Question on pointers use

Rodrigo Lovera lobo.theslayer at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 16:32:09 EST 2012

Hi all,

Sorry to bother you again with these noob questions, my doubt is that I'd
like to know what kind of pointer I could use to handle different
configurations from different filters.

I'm trying to apply a couple of filters in a volume rendering visualization
pipeline, one 'd be median3d and the other one hybridmedian2d. These just
before entering the mapper.

For the mapper I'd like to have the same pointer as input wheter Is
median3d or hybridmedian2D selected. I was working with conditionals and
separate pointers using vtksmartpointer for median3d class hybridmedian2d
class and raycastmapper class. So far I was getting the mapper pointer out
of my conditional part, but I'd like to have these mapper outside the
conditionals and only get as an output of the conditionals the filter
wheter if its used or which is selected and then connecting these to the

I'd appreciate any kind of help, thx in advance.

*Rodrigo Lovera*
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