[vtkusers] vtkPolyDataNormals question

danimede at tiscali.it danimede at tiscali.it
Thu Nov 15 09:52:18 EST 2012

I'm Daniele and I have an issue with the algorithm in 
vtkPolyDataNormals, I have tried to search docs, reverse-engineering

the code, but unlucky I didn't find a solution.
The question about my 
problem concern how the vtkPolyDataNormals class computes the normals 
with the follow conditions:
- a mesh-map composed only by triangular 
- a degenerate situation where some vertex points of the mesh-
map are
included in more polygons that are the same one, but visited in 
different order (i.e the vertex A is present only in two triangular 
polygons: A-B-C and A-C-B... the same polygon!).
So, how the VTK 
computes the normals for these degenerate vertexes?
Thank you very 


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