[vtkusers] Set an order to vtkActor rendering

Najzero adrian.gabriel at 4plus.de
Fri May 25 07:25:31 EDT 2012


Hm I guess we did something simmilar (but by hand) because we had issues
with Z-Order with partially transparent volumes.
Later we removed that and fixed our polydata instead, but maybe it still
gives you an idea what to do.

Since its a while, I just write down what we did.
vtkActors can be grouped via vtkAssembly, and abusing those vtkAssemblies a
bit, could work fine for you :-).

Pseudo-Code incomming:

1) convinient enum for your rendering Groups (so you can get the vtkAssembly
Pointer from your mainwidget anywhere by the enum)
2) generate them in desired order:
_renderer->AddActor( _firstGroup = vtkAssembly::New() ); //3 pointers stored
in your main widget
_renderer->AddActor( _defaultGroup = vtkAssembly::New() );
_renderer->AddActor( _lastGroup = vtkAssembly::New() );

3) add Actor function:
Widget::AddActor( vtkAssembly* newAssembly )
if( _groups.contains( newAssembly ) return; // using a QMap or similar here
_groups.add( newAssembly );

4) add actor to your desired assembly-Group

There are shurely better ways to achive that (we reworked our polygon data
for example) - 
but somehow I feel it could work for you.

KR Adrian

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