[vtkusers] Widget

davide bacci bacci.davide at gmail.com
Fri May 4 12:23:21 EDT 2012

Hi All!

I'm going crazy trying to figure out how works the vtkBoxWidget class

I have a vtkBoxWidget connected to an vtkAssembly

everything works fine if I use the widget directly.

but if I move the assembly programmatically, the widget does not
update its position.

so I tried to move it "manually" ( using vtkTransform ), but that will
move both (keeping the same relative position. In practice the
assembly is out of the widget)

so I tried to move only the widget, and it works! but does not update
the location of the assembly until I click on the widget ... there is
no way to programmatically update it?

Also this only works the first time. subsequent times just do not move
anything .... Help!

I desperately searched the internet but found nothing

Can someone help me? Please ...


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