[vtkusers] Project crashes when linked to v5.8+, works with v5.6

Dženan Zukić dzenanz at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 14:29:54 EST 2012


I am trying to migrate to latest VTK, but my project crashes when using git
version of VTK (also v5.8). Currently I am using v5.6.1. Win7 x64, ITK4
(but I think the same was happening with 3.20 last year), VS2010, QT 4.8
(similarly with 4.7).

A self-contained mwe is attached. The first frame is rendered correctly,
but any subsequent frame causes a crash in itkVTKImageExportBase.cxx, line
194 (UpdateInformationCallbackFunction). I tested this at home, which is a
pretty clean system (only one version each of dev libs and tools, not 3-5
versions each like at university).

Can someone verify this? If it is not a bug in VTK or itkVTKglue, what am I
doing wrong?

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