[vtkusers] StructuredPoints bug?

Jim Geach jimgeach at physics.mcgill.ca
Fri Mar 2 11:12:23 EST 2012

hi list, 

i'm using vtk-5.11.0 (the latest from the git repository), because it was suggested that a 64-bit bug in some of the volume rendering routines might be fixed in this version (see my previous post to the list).

when i set up a vtkStructuredPoints object as:

dim = (256,256,256)
str_pts = vtk.vtkStructuredPoints()

i get the following error (eventually causing Seg Fault) between str_pts.SetDimensions(dim[0],dim[1],dim[2]) and str_pts.SetSpacing(1.0,1.0,1.0):

ERROR: In /gpfs/data/jch/VTK/VTK/Filtering/vtkImageData.cxx, line 1530
vtkStructuredPoints (0x1f55480): GetScalarPointer: Pixel (479938016, 0, 0) not in memory.
 Current extent= (0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255)

this part of the code worked fine under 5.8.0, it's just that there seemed to be a problem with volume rendering very large grids (that require 64-bit indexing) which i think has been fixed in the repository... hence the need to use this version.

cheers, jim


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