[vtkusers] Subcell Refinements

Alex Malyushytskyy alexmalvtk at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 18:20:45 EDT 2012

I am not sure what you mean under "tricks VTK and Paraview into thinking we are
> using a finer grid",

but if it means mean you can't display the element boundaries properly,
since you want to use Paraview,
You need either to use existing cell types ( there are a plenty of them,
I would suggest to check vtkNonLinearCell subclasses )
or if you prefer subdivision approach you might want to create such
boundaries in addition to the geometry.
For example you can create polydata which contain grid boundaries as
defined as bar elements.


On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Truman Ellis <truman at ices.utexas.edu> wrote:
> I am working on a high order finite element code and using VTK to output my
> results for plotting with Paraview. Since each cell contains potentially
> much more information than a single VTK bilinear cell can hold (we typically
> use order polynomials of order 2 or 3, but sometimes up to 5), I have
> implemented  subcell sampling to output each cell as multiple cells to VTK.
> The problem with this approach is that it is pretty important to us to view
> the actual grid used, but this tricks VTK and Paraview into thinking we are
> using a finer grid. I would like to be able to output the real coarse grid
> that we are using and overlay this on top of the surface plots that we are
> getting from the subcell sampling strategy.
> So, first of all, does anyone know how this could be done? I am also open to
> other alternatives to my subcell sampling approach, since I could see this
> getting complicated with triangles and eventually moving into 3D.
> --
> Truman Ellis
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