[vtkusers] vtkImageData Spacing

Jonathan Ruiz Peinado jonathan.ruiz3 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 19:20:47 EDT 2012

Hi, It's a concept question, I tough that vtkImageData spacing was the real
distance between each pixel or pixel size, so if spacing[0] is 0.5 the
lenght of a pixel along the axis is 0.5 in units(mm).

But After use vtkImageReslice, the output spaicng change to 1.0 1.0 1.0
where the input spacing was 0.3 0.3 0.5, I though it would chage the size
of my image data, the real size, but seems that the image still having the
same real size, so I got to be wrong about spacing.

Is not "spacing" the space between cells/points/pixels ?
If I got spacing = 1.0 means that I got a cells/points/pixels each 1.0
units (mm) ?

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