[vtkusers] MRI MPR labelling ( L/R, A/P, S/I).

prakash kotre prakash.medsphere at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 02:55:57 EST 2012

Dear all,
I am working on MRI MPR.
I am stuck with MR images labelling part.
I use dcmtk 3.5.4 ( dicom parsing/reading) and vtk 5.4
( vtkImageReslice algorithm).

The directionCosines of the vtkImageReslice  slicer is taken to
calculate the side labels.

If MRI is acquired in Axially its image orientation is 1,0,0/0,1,0 and
the side markers are showing correctly.

But If MRI is acquired other than axial then orientation is different.
the marker calculations are going wrong.

I think, I need to calculate the side markers taking image orientation
in consideration.

But I dont know how to do it. Could you please help me ?

My MPR 3 views are:

view1 : break.
view2 : Transform->RotateX(90);
view3 : Transform->RotateY(90);

Thanks and regards
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