[vtkusers] Ortogonal cross-section along skeletons

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 08:25:44 EDT 2012

Since the output of the probe filter is polydata, just provide a mapper and

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 7:35 PM, Matheus Viana <vianamp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Bill, I'm trying to use vtkProbeFilter, but I'm not sure about next
> step. For now I have something like that:
> vtkPolyData *Plane = PlaneSource -> GetOutput();
> vtkProbeFilter *Probe = vtkProbeFilter::New();
> Probe -> SetInput(Plane);
>  Probe -> SetSource(ImageData);
> Probe -> SpatialMatchOn();
> Probe -> Update();
> Now, what should I do with "Probe" in order to get the image of the
> orthogonal cross-section?
> Thanks in advance,
> *Matheus Viana*
> *Postdoctoral Research Employee*
> *Developmental and Cell Biology*
> *University of California Irvine*
> *
> **
> *
> 2012/8/3 Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com>
>> If you can define the plane (vtkPlaneSource) you want, use vtkProbeFilter.
>> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 2:42 PM, matheus_viana <vianamp at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi guys.
>>> I've a binary ImageData that is used to produce a 3D skeletons by using a
>>> thinning
>>> algorithm. Now, I would like to navigate along this skeleton and extract
>>> the
>>> ortogonal
>>> cross-section at each point of this skeleton. The idea can be seen in the
>>> attached
>>> figure. Does anyone have an idea about how to do it?
>>> http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/file/n5715098/section.jpg
>>> --
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>> Unpaid intern in BillsBasement at noware dot com

Unpaid intern in BillsBasement at noware dot com
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