[vtkusers] About vtkDotNetcallback

Andrej Gluhov realandron at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 03:47:15 EDT 2010

http://devsample.org/index.php here is a sample for Dicom for C++. I rewrote
it as follows.

public class VtkObserverMouseMove
            protected vtkImageViewer2 m_pImageViewer;
            protected vtkRenderWindowInteractor m_pIren;
            protected vtkPointPicker m_pPicker;
            protected vtkDICOMImageReader m_pDICOMImageReader;
            protected Form1 m_pForm;
            public VtkObserverMouseMove(vtkImageViewer2 pImageViewer,
vtkRenderWindowInteractor pIren, vtkPointPicker pPicker, vtkDICOMImageReader
pDICOMImageReader,Form1 pForm)
                m_pImageViewer = pImageViewer;
                m_pIren = pIren;
                m_pPicker = pPicker;
                m_pDICOMImageReader = pDICOMImageReader;
                m_pForm = pForm;

            public void MouseClick(vtkObject caller, uint eventId, object
clientData, IntPtr callData)
                if (m_pPicker.Pick(m_pIren.GetEventPosition()[0],
                         0,  // always zero.
                         m_pImageViewer.GetRenderer()) == 0)
                    m_pForm.ClickIntensivity = 0;//textbox in winform
                    m_pForm.ClickXY[0] = 0;//textbox in winform
                    m_pForm.ClickXY[1] = 0;//textbox in winform
                // Get the mapped position of the mouse using the picker.
                double[] ptMapped = new double [3];
                ptMapped = m_pPicker.GetMapperPosition();

                // We have to manually set the physical z-coordinate which
                // us to get the volume spacing.
                double[] dSpacing = new double[3];
                dSpacing = m_pImageViewer.GetInput().GetSpacing();
                ptMapped[2] = m_pImageViewer.GetSlice() * dSpacing[2];

                // get a shortcut to the pixel data.
                vtkImageData pImageData = m_pImageViewer.GetInput();

                // Get the volume index within the entire volume now.
                int nVolIdx = pImageData.FindPoint(ptMapped);
                int ScalarSize= pImageData.GetScalarSize();

                if(pImageData.GetNumberOfScalarComponents()== 1)
                    // We have to handle different number of scalar
                    // Get a shortcut to the raw pixel data. This should be
                    // updated to check if your data is signed or not, but
for this
                    // example we'll just assume it's unsigned. You should
also check
                    // the type of your data too (unsigned char, unsigned
short, etc).
                    IntPtr pPix = pImageData.GetScalarPointer();
                    Int16 PixelValue = (Int16)Marshal.ReadInt32(pPix,
ScalarSize * nVolIdx);
                    m_pForm.ClickIntensivity = Convert.ToDouble(PixelValue);
                    m_pForm.ClickXY[0] = ptMapped[0];
                    m_pForm.ClickXY[1] = ptMapped[1];
            public void MouseMove(vtkObject caller, uint eventId, object
clientData, IntPtr callData)
                if (m_pPicker.Pick(m_pIren.GetEventPosition()[0],
                         0,  // always zero.
                         m_pImageViewer.GetRenderer()) == 0)
                    m_pForm.ClickIntensivity = 0;
                    m_pForm.ClickXY[0] = 0;
                    m_pForm.ClickXY[1] = 0;
                // Get the mapped position of the mouse using the picker.
                double[] ptMapped = new double [3];
                ptMapped = m_pPicker.GetMapperPosition();

                // We have to manually set the physical z-coordinate which
                // us to get the volume spacing.
                double[] dSpacing = new double[3];
                dSpacing = m_pImageViewer.GetInput().GetSpacing();
                ptMapped[2] = m_pImageViewer.GetSlice() * dSpacing[2];

                // get a shortcut to the pixel data.
                vtkImageData pImageData = m_pImageViewer.GetInput();

                // Get the volume index within the entire volume now.
                int nVolIdx = pImageData.FindPoint(ptMapped);
                int ScalarSize= pImageData.GetScalarSize();

                if(pImageData.GetNumberOfScalarComponents()== 1)
                    // We have to handle different number of scalar
                    // Get a shortcut to the raw pixel data. This should be
                    // updated to check if your data is signed or not, but
for this
                    // example we'll just assume it's unsigned. You should
also check
                    // the type of your data too (unsigned char, unsigned
short, etc).
                    IntPtr pPix = pImageData.GetScalarPointer();
                    Int16 PixelValue = (Int16)Marshal.ReadInt32(pPix,
ScalarSize * nVolIdx);
                    m_pForm.ClickIntensivity = Convert.ToDouble(PixelValue);
                    m_pForm.ClickXY[0] = ptMapped[0];
                    m_pForm.ClickXY[1] = ptMapped[1];
        public Form1()
            m_renWin = reWin.GetRenderWindow();

            Mouse = new VtkObserverMouseMove(m_imageViewer, m_iren,
m_picker, m_DicomReader, this);
*            m_iren.AddObserver((uint)EventIds.LeftButtonPressEvent, new
            m_iren.AddObserver((uint)EventIds.MouseMoveEvent, new


2010/9/12 myaqua1982 <myaqua1982 at 163.com>

>  Hi all,
>  Now I use vtk in the dot net entironment . I want to select the
> coordinate of point. Caculate the distance between two points and the angles
> in the 3D entironment .Some of them suggested me to use the class called
> vtkDotNetcallback. But I do not know how to use it. I have search in the
> internet, but there is little information about the class.
> Is there anyone who have used it before? Or have caculate distance and
> angle, please give me some advice? Thanks!
> 2010-09-12
> ------------------------------
> myaqua1982
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С Уважением,
Best regards, Andrew
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