[vtkusers] python exceptions patch needed for vtk 5.6

David Gobbi david.gobbi at gmail.com
Fri May 28 10:07:19 EDT 2010

Hi Florian,

I haven't seen mention of the patch here on the list, and I know
that it isn't in VTK 5.6 or in VTK devel.  For my own apps, I use
VTK observers to catch reader errors.


On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 12:52 AM, Florian Bruckner <e0425375 at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> I just figured out the problem that no python exceptions are raised if
> my reader produces an error. I use vtk-5.6.
> after searching the net and the mailing list I found that there are some
> patches available
> (turn-vtk-errors-into-python-exceptions-and-catch-bad-malloc patch)
> which should solve this problem. Unfortunately I could neither find such
> a patch for vtk-5.6 nor any actual posts about this topic.
> So should this patch allready be included in the new vtk-5.6? or where
> can I get it otherwise? are there any reasons why the patch is not
> included in the official release? or is there another work around that
> is proposed for this kind of problems?
> thanks
> FloB

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