[vtkusers] incorrect shared library names using cmake-gui with MSYS or MINGW32.

Jim Peterson jimcp at cox.net
Wed Jul 28 14:32:02 EDT 2010

I had used VTK in the mid 90's from java applications on a WIN98 
platform using the Borland 4 compiler to prepare the VTKJAVA.DLL and 
required shared libraries. I am now attempting to build VTK 5.6.0 using 
mingw with or without Eclipse to do similar processing. My problem is 
the CMAKE makefiles appear to generate DLL names prefixed with "lib" for 
both the Java interface DLLs and shared libraries that the Java DLLs 
use. It appears the generated logic in the Java DLL/s is attempting to 
load libraries without the lib prefix. and if I rename all of the output 
libraries, some (presumably linker references) are mis matched.

To clarify the issue, I can use the CMAKE-GUI to specify shared 
libraries and Java wrappers for the downloaded source. I have specified 
both MSYS and MINGW32 with the same result. in all cases the 
documentation and java examples appear to expect windows output 
libraries named like vtkCommon.dll and vtkCommonJava.dll. what I am 
getting from the CMAKE-GUI Generate is libvtkCommon.dll and 
libvtkCommonJava.dll. The effect appears to be a mix of both the UNIX 
style lib prefix on the name and the Win32 .dll suffix.

I did try changing the  java System.loadLibrary parameter from 
"vtkCommonJava" to "libvtkCommonJava.dll, but this then failed to load 
the internal functions vtkCommon.dll. I tried renaming libvtkCommon.dll 
to vtkCommon.dll (et al) and got a VTKINIT null pointer exception. I 
suspect all this is the result of the naming mismatch.

Has anyone experienced something similar? I did look briefly at the 
dashboards, and I cannot see where the win32 wrappers generated using 
MSYS or MINGW32 are actually tested with java, so this may have been a 
windows wrapper problem, however, the fact that the shared libraries are 
also misnamed may mean the Visual Studio output is correct and only the 
GNU compiler output is affected.

Thanks for any insight.
Jim Peterson

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