[vtkusers] Visualization of a 3D Image with deformation field

Lodron, Gerald Gerald.Lodron at joanneum.at
Wed Jan 13 07:05:22 EST 2010


I made a registration of two 3d images in itk and now want to display the deformation field (vector field = 3D image with 3 components) with one 3D image.

So i have:

vtkImageData*           3DImage;
vtkImageData*           3DDisplacementField;

To visualize that i use the vtkImageReslice.

vtkImageReslice*        ImageReslicer;
vtkImageReslice*        DisplacementReslicer;

And so on

vtkImageData*           2DImageSlice = ImageReslicer->GetOutput();                      //2D image with 1 component
vtkImageData*           2DDisplacentfield= DisplacementReslicer->GetOutput();           //2D image with 3 components

I can visualize both overlayed as images but i want to visualize the 2DImageSlice as normal gray image (which already works) and the displacementfield with something other. I am not sure how i should do that, here some of my ideas:

- as 3D Vectors on the plane
- displacement plot (gray image color coded) using the dot product to the slicing plane with the vectors (vtkVectorDot i think but i dont know how to use)

Can anyone say me how to do that, i have really no idea!


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