[vtkusers] x-ray effect in volume rendering

Rocco Gasteiger post at rocco-gasteiger.de
Mon Oct 26 05:31:47 EDT 2009

Hi "Baliki",

Below I have inserted a VTK-example program, which reads a raw volume
dataset and performs normal volume rendering, X-ray and MIP projection. I
use it for my students to illustrate these different approaches. The samples
on each ray are interpolated with nearest neighbor (not the best, tri-linear
is much better but expansive in computation time. It inFollowing steps you
have to do: 
1. Define "fname" (in main(...)) with the file name of you dataset 
2  Specify your raw dataset for the vtkImageReader2 reader (In the example I
use a volume version(!) of the foot dataset of the VTK distribution)
3. Turn on one of the render modes by uncomment one of the
"currentRenderMode" line at the beginning of the example

I have included some comments which hopefully helps you to understand each

Best regards, Rocco

// This example reads a volume dataset and then displays it.
#include "vtkRenderer.h"
#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
#include "vtkCamera.h"
#include "vtkInteractorStyleSwitch.h"
#include "vtkImageReader2.h"
#include "vtkActor.h"

#include "vtkColorTransferFunction.h"
#include "vtkPiecewiseFunction.h"
#include "vtkVolumeProperty.h"
#include "vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction.h"
#include "vtkVolumeRayCastMapper.h"
#include "vtkVolume.h"

#define mode_MIP						0
#define mode_XRay						1
#define mode_Full						2

static int currentRenderMode = mode_XRay;

// Necessary for correct MIP and XRay scaling (0-1)
static float globalMaximumScalarValue = 0;
// Definition and implementation of our own ray cast composite function
class MyVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction : public

	static MyVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction *New()
	{ return new MyVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction; }


	// Do not change this code
	// This is called from RenderAnImage (in vtkDepthPARCMapper.cxx)
	// It uses the integer data type flag that is passed in
	// to determine what type of ray needs to be cast (which is handled
	// by a template function.  It also uses the shading and
	// interpolation types to determine which template function
	// to call.
	void MyVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction::CastRay(
vtkVolumeRayCastDynamicInfo *dynamicInfo,
		vtkVolumeRayCastStaticInfo *staticInfo )
		void *data_ptr;
		data_ptr = staticInfo->ScalarDataPointer;

		switch ( staticInfo->ScalarDataType ) {
	vtkCastRay_OwnWork( (unsigned char *)data_ptr, dynamicInfo,
staticInfo );
	vtkCastRay_OwnWork( (unsigned short *)data_ptr, dynamicInfo,
staticInfo );
	vtkWarningMacro ( << "Unsigned char and unsigned short are the only
supported datatypes for rendering" );

	// This is the template function that actually casts a ray and
	// the composite value.  This version uses nearest neighbor
interpolation, and performs shading.
	template <class T>
	void vtkCastRay_OwnWork(T *data_ptr, vtkVolumeRayCastDynamicInfo
*dynamicInfo, vtkVolumeRayCastStaticInfo *staticInfo )
		unsigned char   *gmptr = NULL;
		float           accum_red_intensity, accum_green_intensity,
accum_blue_intensity, accum_opacity;
		float           opacity;
		int             xinc, yinc, zinc;
		int             voxel[3];
		float           ray_position[3];
		T               *dptr;
		float           *ScalarToOpacityTF;
		float           *ScalarToColorTF;
		float           *red_d_shade, *green_d_shade, *blue_d_shade;
		float           *red_s_shade, *green_s_shade, *blue_s_shade;
		unsigned short  *encoded_normals;
		int             currentNormalIndex;
		float           red_shaded_value, green_shaded_value,
		int             offset;
		int             steps_this_ray;
		int             scalar_value;
		float           r, g, b;
		int             num_steps;
		float           *ray_start, *ray_increment;
		int			    shading = staticInfo->Shading;

		// For each ray some information are fetched which are
needed for color and shading 
		// computation.

		// Get ray parameters: Number of sample points, ray start
position, and step size on the ray
		num_steps = dynamicInfo->NumberOfStepsToTake;
		ray_start = dynamicInfo->TransformedStart;
		ray_increment = dynamicInfo->TransformedIncrement;

		// Get diffuse shading table pointers. This table is
preprocessed by VTK and stores
		// for different normal directions its diffuse portion of
the phong illumination term.
		red_d_shade   = staticInfo->RedDiffuseShadingTable;
		green_d_shade = staticInfo->GreenDiffuseShadingTable;
		blue_d_shade  = staticInfo->BlueDiffuseShadingTable;

		// Get specular shading table pointers. This table is
preprocessed by VTK and stores
		// for specular normal directions its diffuse portion of the
phong illumination term.
		red_s_shade = staticInfo->RedSpecularShadingTable;
		green_s_shade = staticInfo->GreenSpecularShadingTable;
		blue_s_shade = staticInfo->BlueSpecularShadingTable;

		// Get a pointer to the encoded normals of this volume. This
table is preprocessed by VTK and stores
		// for each voxel its normal.
		encoded_normals = staticInfo->EncodedNormals;

		// Get the scalar opacity transfer function which maps
scalar input values to opacities
		ScalarToOpacityTF =

		// Get the color transfer function which maps scalar input
values to RGB values
		ScalarToColorTF =  staticInfo->Volume->GetRGBArray();

		// store increments (distance between sample points in x, y,
and z direction) in local variables
		xinc = staticInfo->DataIncrement[0];
		yinc = staticInfo->DataIncrement[1];
		zinc = staticInfo->DataIncrement[2];
		//cerr<<xinc<<", "<<yinc<<", "<<zinc<<", "<<endl; //constant
for a data set

		// Initialize the ray position (in voxel space)
		ray_position[0] = ray_start[0];
		ray_position[1] = ray_start[1];
		ray_position[2] = ray_start[2];

		// Nearest neighbor interpolation - get nearest voxel (in
voxel space) - you have to change this for tri-linear interpolation
		voxel[0] = vtkRoundFuncMacro( ray_position[0] );
		voxel[1] = vtkRoundFuncMacro( ray_position[1] );
		voxel[2] = vtkRoundFuncMacro( ray_position[2] );

		// So far we haven't accumulated anything
		accum_red_intensity   = 0.0;
		accum_green_intensity = 0.0;
		accum_blue_intensity  = 0.0;		
		// accumulated opacity
		accum_opacity         = 0.0;

		// added for MIP mode rendering
		float maxOpacity      = 0.0;
		float maxValue        = 0.0;

		currentNormalIndex    = 0;		

		// For each step along the ray do something (accumulate,
find maximum opacity, ...)
		// "accum_opacity < 1.0" means early-ray-termination
		for ( steps_this_ray = 0; steps_this_ray < num_steps &&
accum_opacity < 1.0; steps_this_ray++ ) {

			// get offset position of current voxel in linear
			offset = voxel[2] * zinc + voxel[1] * yinc +
			// get pointer on current voxel in linear list
			dptr = data_ptr + offset;

			// get scalar value at current location
			scalar_value       = (int) *(dptr);

			if (scalar_value > globalMaximumScalarValue)
				globalMaximumScalarValue = scalar_value;

			// get opacity value for this scalar_value out of
the ScalarOpacityTransferFunction
			opacity = ScalarToOpacityTF[scalar_value];

			// If we have a valid opacity value, then compute
the shading
			if ( opacity ) {
				switch (currentRenderMode) 
				case mode_MIP:
					// MIP - only maximal value or first
local maximum above a threshold is visualized
					// check if current voxel opacity is
above max opacity
					//if (opacity > maxOpacity) 
					if (scalar_value > maxValue) 
						accum_red_intensity   =
opacity * ScalarToColorTF[(scalar_value) * 3    ];
						accum_green_intensity =
opacity * ScalarToColorTF[(scalar_value) * 3 + 1];
						accum_blue_intensity  =
opacity * ScalarToColorTF[(scalar_value) * 3 + 2];

						//maxOpacity    = opacity;
						maxValue    = scalar_value;
						accum_opacity = 1.0-opacity;


				case mode_XRay:
					// X-ray projection mode:
Accumulation of the scalar values (or opacity values)
					accum_red_intensity =
accum_green_intensity = accum_blue_intensity = accum_red_intensity +

				case mode_Full:
					// get r, g, and b value for current
scalar value out of the ColorTransferFunction
					r = ScalarToColorTF[(scalar_value) *
3    ];
					g = ScalarToColorTF[(scalar_value) *
3 + 1];
					b = ScalarToColorTF[(scalar_value) *
3 + 2];

					red_shaded_value   = opacity * r;
					green_shaded_value = opacity * g;
					blue_shaded_value  = opacity * b;

					// Accumulate color
					// (the color of the current value
is weighted by the remaining opacity of the voxels 
					// in front of the current one)
					accum_red_intensity   =
red_shaded_value   * (1.0-accum_opacity) + accum_red_intensity;
					accum_green_intensity =
green_shaded_value * (1.0-accum_opacity) + accum_green_intensity;
					accum_blue_intensity  =
blue_shaded_value  * (1.0-accum_opacity) + accum_blue_intensity;

					// Accumulate opacity
					accum_opacity  =
opacity*(1.0-accum_opacity) + accum_opacity;

					accum_red_intensity = 0.0;
					accum_green_intensity = 0.0;
					accum_blue_intensity = 0.0;
					accum_opacity = 1.0;

			// Increment our position and compute new voxel
			ray_position[0] += ray_increment[0];
			ray_position[1] += ray_increment[1];
			ray_position[2] += ray_increment[2];
			voxel[0] = vtkRoundFuncMacro( ray_position[0] );
			voxel[1] = vtkRoundFuncMacro( ray_position[1] );
			voxel[2] = vtkRoundFuncMacro( ray_position[2] );
		}// endFor each step along the ray

		// Now we stored in accum_{red,green,blue}_intensity the
accumulated RGB values along a ray
		// added for XRay mode rendering
		if( currentRenderMode == mode_XRay) 
			// divide accumulated scalar values by the number of
steps times maximum scalar value to get the average
			accum_red_intensity = accum_green_intensity =
accum_blue_intensity = accum_red_intensity /
			accum_opacity = 1.0-accum_red_intensity;


		// Cap the accumulated intensities at 1.0
		if ( accum_red_intensity > 1.0 )	{
accum_red_intensity = 1.0; }
		if ( accum_green_intensity > 1.0 ){ accum_green_intensity =
		if ( accum_blue_intensity > 1.0 )	{
accum_blue_intensity = 1.0;}

		// Set the return pixel value.
		dynamicInfo->Color[0] = accum_red_intensity;
		dynamicInfo->Color[1] = accum_green_intensity;
		dynamicInfo->Color[2] = accum_blue_intensity;
		dynamicInfo->Color[3] = accum_opacity;
		dynamicInfo->NumberOfStepsTaken = steps_this_ray;



int main (int argc, char **argv) 
	//check for  arguments (e.g. a filename)
	const char* fname = "foot.raw";
	// Create the renderer, the render window, and the interactor. The
	// draws into the render window, the interactor enables mouse- and
	// keyboard-based interaction with the data within the render
	vtkRenderer *renderer = vtkRenderer::New();
	//renderer->SetBackground( 0.2, 0.2, 0.4 );
	renderer->SetBackground( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
	vtkCamera *camera = renderer->GetActiveCamera();
	camera->SetViewUp (0, 0, -1);
	camera->SetPosition (-1, 2, -0.5);
	vtkRenderWindow *renderWindow = vtkRenderWindow::New();
	renderWindow->SetSize( 640, 480 );     // Set the size of the render
window (in pixel).
	vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactionRenderer =

	vtkImageReader2 *volumeDataset = vtkImageReader2::New();
	volumeDataset->SetDataExtent(0, 127, 0, 127, 0, 63);
	volumeDataset->SetDataSpacing(1.60938, 1.60938, 1.95313);
	volumeDataset->SetDataOrigin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	// Feel free to change this code
	// adjustments to the following code may be required and should be

	// Create transfer function - mapping scalar values [0-...] to COLOR
[0-1, 0-1, 0-1]
	vtkColorTransferFunction *colorTransferFunction =
	colorTransferFunction->AddRGBPoint(   0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0);
	colorTransferFunction->AddRGBPoint( 500.0, 0.9,0.5,0.3);
	colorTransferFunction->AddRGBPoint(1100.0, 0.8,0.8,0.6);
	colorTransferFunction->AddRGBPoint(1200.0, 0.6,0.6,0.6);

	vtkPiecewiseFunction *opacityTransferFunction =
	opacityTransferFunction->AddPoint(    0, 0.0);
	//opacityTransferFunction->AddPoint(  980, 0.1);
	//opacityTransferFunction->AddPoint(  1055, 0.2);
	opacityTransferFunction->AddPoint(  1200, 0.05);
	opacityTransferFunction->AddPoint( 1300, 1.0);

	// The property describes how the data will look
	vtkVolumeProperty *volumeProperty = vtkVolumeProperty::New();
	//volumeProperty->ShadeOn(); // request 3d shading (german:
beleuchtungsberechnung anfordern) //has to be implemented in

	//vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction *rayCompositeFunction =
	MyVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction *rayCompositeFunction =
	// The mapper knows how to render the data
	vtkVolumeRayCastMapper *rayCastMapper =
	rayCastMapper->SetInput( volumeDataset->GetOutput());
	//Feel free to change parameters for
	//rayCastMapper->AutoAdjustSampleDistancesOff();		//
interactive framerates by lower quality (on/off)
// adjust samples per ray rate if AutoAdjustSampleDistances is OFF
	//rayCastMapper->SetImageSampleDistance(1.0);			//
adjust rays per pixel rate (e.g. 0.5 => 4 rays for each pixel, 2.0 => 1 ray
for 4 pixel) if AutoAdjustSampleDistances is OFF
	//rayCastMapper->SetMaximumImageSampleDistance(6.0);	// max
sample distance if AutoAdjustSampleDistances is ON
	//rayCastMapper->SetMinimumImageSampleDistance(1.0);	// min
sample distance if AutoAdjustSampleDistances is ON

	// The volume holds the mapper and the property and
	// can be used to position/orient the volume
	vtkVolume *volData= vtkVolume::New();

	// Actors are added to the renderer.

	// adjust camera for good initial view

	// Start the Interactor

	// It is important to delete all objects created previously to
	// memory leaks. In this case, since the program is on its way to
	// exiting, it is not so important. But in applications it is
	// essential.

	return 0;

-----Original Message-----
From: baliki2 at freemail.gr [mailto:baliki2 at freemail.gr] 
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:11 PM
To: post at rocco-gasteiger.de
Subject: Re: Re: [vtkusers] x-ray effect in volume rendering

I don't really understand what you mean by "divide it by
> numSteps*globalMaximumScalarValue at the end".

What i would like to get is something like this:
If you look carefully, the bones edges are more bright than the "inside"
bone area. 
I've achieved a similar effect, but not this exact one:
Please download it and zoom in to see it better.


> Hello,
> Yes, you can! ;-)
> It is quite simply. In your composite function accumulate all sampled
> values (or opacity values) on your ray and divide it by
> numSteps*globalMaximumScalarValue at the end (to get the average between 0
> and 1). I've implement it and it should work.
> Best regards, Rocco
> --------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Ing. Rocco Gasteiger
> Otto-von-Guericke University
> Faculty of Computer Science
> Department of Simulation and Graphics
> Universit=E4tsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany
> Office:  G29-223
> Phone:   +49 391 67 127 59
> Fax:=A0=A0   +49 391 67 111 64
> Website: http://wwwisg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/cvcms/  =
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org [mailto:vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org] On Behalf
> Of baliki2 at freemail.gr
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 11:30 AM
> To: vtkusers at vtk.org
> Subject: [vtkusers] x-ray effect in volume rendering
> Is there a way that i can achieve an x-ray effect in volume rendering of
> DICOM images?
> I want to see the constructed volume as a 2D xray-like "image".
> I've tied the composite function combined with some tranfer and color
> functions, but i didn't take the exact x-ray effect. The images i use are
> short type.
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