[vtkusers] duplicated vertex in marching cubes?

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 10:33:06 EST 2009

Please provide a small, complete example. MC should not generate
duplicate points or vertices. What is the datatype of your scalars?

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:20 AM, lucas Grijander
<dev_crisalix at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am using vtkMarchingCubes to calculate a 3D mesh of a volume I have. Fist
> I initialize the filter with:
> vtkMarchingCubes* iso = vtkMarchingCubes::New();
> iso->SetInput(object);
> iso->SetValue(0,1); // Surface #0, iso-value=1
> iso->Update();
> then I fill the vtkStructuredPoints.
> The problem I have is, as you can see in the pictures, when you have a close
> look to the trianbles (screen2) you can see duplicated triangles and vertex,
> and this is a huge problem for my application... I supposed vtkMarchingCubes
> should generate a single surface mesh... I don't know if that's the reason,
> but when I fill the vtkStructuredPoints I use
> scalars->InsertValue(cnt, 0) ; and scalars->InsertValue(cnt, 128) ;
> I took all these from an example, I still don't know what you have to set as
> values, either 1 or 128... in addition the result change with this number
> and I'm not sure why.
> What should I use as values? and also why I have this "double" triangles
> mesh?
> thanks!
> Jaime.
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