[vtkusers] VTK Wrapping Problems (once again)

kent williams nkwmailinglists at gmail.com
Wed May 13 10:36:33 EDT 2009

I wouldn't even use VTK wrapping at all if it wasn't integral to
KWWidgets.  Not that it's horrible, but sometimes I get frustrated by
how touchy it is, how uninformative its error messages are, and how
completely un-documented it is.

Below is a header file I'm trying to compile.  As far as I know I'm
following all the VTK wrapping rules, but it gives me this message:
*** SYNTAX ERROR found in parsing the header file
/scratch/kent/BT/BRAINSTracer/vtkBTPointSetWidget.h before line 30 ***

Which is the first line of the second class defined. The only problem
I can see -- possibly -- is that it objects to trying to wrap two
classes in one file.  Is THAT not permitted? It seems like I've done
that before and it worked out.  If I put //BTX-//ETX around the whole
vtkBTPointWidget class, it doesn't throw the error

And yes, I'm calling these 'Widgets' even though they don't derive
from vtkAbstractWidget; I'm not sure what I gain by doing that, and
I'm a little scared about what it might entail to do so directly.
#if !defined(vtkBTPointSetWidget_h)
#define vtkBTPointSetWidget_h
#include <vtkObject.h>
#include <string>

class vtkViewImage;

class vtkBTPointWidget : public vtkObject
  static vtkBTPointWidget *New();
  void SetView(unsigned i,  vtkViewImage *view);
  std::string GetName();
  void SetName(const std::string &name);
  void Create();
  void Hide();
  void Show();
  void Disable();
  void Enable();
  std::string m_Name;
  vtkViewImage *m_View[4];

class vtkBTPointSetWidget : public vtkObject
  typedef vtkObject SuperClass;
  const std::string &GetName();
  void SetName(const std::string &name);
  static vtkBTPointSetWidget *New();
  void Create();
  void Hide();
  void Show();
  void Disable();
  void Enable();
  void AddPoint();
  void SetView(unsigned i,  vtkViewImage *view);
  vtkViewImage *m_View[4];
  std::string m_Name;
#endif // vtkBTPointSetWidget_h

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