[vtkusers] 3D Image Islands removal

Fabio Meneghini fab.meneghini at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 12:17:15 EDT 2009

Hi all,
I need for developing an algorithm that erases all the small volumes
islands, which works in 3D (instead of the 2DRemovingIslands current
In particular, given a vtkImageData (3D), for a given scalar value,
the steps might be, FOR EVERY SINGLE VOXEL:
1)apply the vtkImageSeedConnectivity with seed in the current voxel,
with it's scalar value
2)count the connected voxels
3)if connected voxels are less than threshold, then assign to that
voxel the median value centered in the voxel...or something like that

Could someone tell me if there is an easier and/or more efficient way??


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