[vtkusers] Image tracer using Qt

Wagner Sales wsales at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 07:36:18 EST 2009

Hi Luis,

Basically, QVTKWidget provides you a vtkRenderWindow with an interactor (
the last can be changed after ).
The VTK/Qt events are managed by vtkEventQtSlotConnect. Of course, if you
wants, you can use callbacks like in VTK. Then, if you are developing in
C++, take a look at examples in VTK/Examples/GUI/Qt/VTK/Examples/GUI/Qt/.
This examples will help you how to acces the vtkRenderWindow and how to
connect VTK and Qt.
Your task are easy to do, but I developed with Qt and VTK, and the best way
to learn ( at least to me ) are by the examples.



2009/1/28 Luis Roberto P. Paula <luisrpp at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I need to implement an image tracer, just like the one provided in
> VTK/Examples/GUI/Python/ImageTracerWidget.py, but I need to do it using Qt
> (QVTKWidget).
> Does anybody knows how can I do that?
> Thanks in advance,
> Luis
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