[vtkusers] Coexistence of different Win32 libraries

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Mon Dec 28 09:57:14 EST 2009

     #-- Set the Debug name for the libraries
     SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES( ${targetName}
         DEBUG_POSTFIX "_d" )


On Dec 27, 2009, at 10:43 AM, Kenneth Porter wrote:

> On Win32, I want to build both release and debug libraries for both  
> VS2005 and VS2008. I've run CMake twice to output to different  
> VS2005 and VS2008 directories, and set the install path to distinct  
> directories. But I don't see how to get both debug and release  
> versions without using distinct build and install directories for  
> each (ie. running CMake 4 times to create 4 completely different  
> builds). Is there a CMake variable to build the debug versions with  
> a "d" suffix, for example?
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