[vtkusers] convert polydata to volume

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Sat Dec 19 10:41:23 EST 2009


The ProbeFIlter takes each point in its input and samples the source
the point attributes by interpolating the point position in the

It cannot convert a polydata into a volume.

Can you explain what your end goal is? What is the ultimate problem
you are trying to solve? What is contained in the polydata?


On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 2:18 AM, Karl <bulkmailaddress at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am attempting to use vtkProbeFilter convert a polydata into a volume data
> set that will have colored lines corresponding to the contours of the
> polydata.  So far the produced image is always empty.  Can anyone see
> anything wrong with the following code?  Any help would be appreciated?
> // polydata to be converted
> vtkPolyData* polyData = ...
> double bounds[6];
> polyData->GetBounds(bounds);
> // identify sampling locations
> int samples = 30;
> vtkImageData* samplingArray = vtkImageData::New();
> samplingArray->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(3);
> samplingArray->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar();
> samplingArray->SetSpacing((bounds[1]-bounds[0])/samples,(bounds[3]-bounds[2]
> )/samples,(bounds[5]-bounds[4])/samples);
> samplingArray->SetDimensions(samples, samples, samples);
> samplingArray->SetOrigin( bounds[0], bounds[2], bounds[3] );
> samplingArray->Update();
> // sample polydata
> vtkProbeFilter *probe = vtkProbeFilter::New();
> probe->SetInput(samplingArray);
> probe->SetSource(poly);
> // save results
> vtkTIFFWriter* tiff = vtkTIFFWriter::New();
> tiff->SetInputConnection(probe->GetOutputPort());
> tiff->SetFilePrefix("sampled");
> tiff->Write();
> Thanks,
> KB
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