[vtkusers] vtkActor rendering time

Broggi, Pomme pomme.broggi at capgemini.com
Fri Dec 18 04:25:24 EST 2009


I have created my own octree, if I show my ground using one actor, between starting of rendering loop and first render  of my ground actor, 10 s are needed. If I use   16 actors to display the same ground (128/128), and I show all parts at the same time, 60 s are needed.
What happens, why the first render is so slow, why is it so more slow to display 16 smalls actors than 1 big actor?

Objects used to create vtk actors are :

vtkPoints * pPoints = vtkPoints::New(); //Liste des points du maillage

vtkPolyData * pPolyData = vtkPolyData::New(); // Objet comprenant les points, les cellules, et les donnees (valeurs profondeur) de notre maillage

vtkPolyDataMapper * pMapper= vtkPolyDataMapper::New( );

vtkCellArray * pCells = vtkCellArray::New(); //Liste des cellules qui vont constituer notre maillage

vtkFloatArray * pScalars = vtkFloatArray::New(); // Liste des valeurs de la profondeurs (sert pour la color map)

Thanks for your answer.


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