[vtkusers] Streamed input/output

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Mon Sep 29 14:01:42 EDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 14:13 +0200, Milos Sramek wrote:
> Hi,
> Does streaming in VTK work for input and output?

Yes, but not all combinations of reader, algorithm, and writer stream.

> streamer = vtkMemoryLimitImageDataStreamer()
> streamer.SetInput(mag2.GetOutput())
> streamer.SetMemoryLimit(1000)
> mhdwriter = vtkMetaImageWriter()
> mhdwriter.SetFileName("mhdWriter.mhd")
> mhdwriter.SetInput(streamer.GetOutput())
> mhdwriter.Write()

>  Streaming obviously works well, but not for the vtkMetaImageWriter().

I've had the best results with streaming using the XML image readers and
writers which read and write blocks of the image not slices. 

I suggest that you ditch the vtkMemoryLimitImageDataStreamer, connect
the vtkImageShrink3D directly to the writer and tell the writer to write
slice by slice ( I don't know if the last part works.)

> If vtkImageGaussianSource() is replaced by vtkImageReader2, the program 
> crashes for big data.
> Do I do something wrong?

No, you just aren't really telling it to stream. In what you have the
streamer and the writer will want a copy of the image. If the image
itself is bigger than the memory or the address space then you're stuck.

Why don't you try this:

reader = vtkImageGaussianSource()
reader.SetWholeExtent(0,511,0,511,0,511) #1GB volume, 8bytes/voxel

mag1 = vtkImageMagnify()
mag1.SetMagnificationFactors(2, 2, 2) # 8GB here

mag2 = vtkImageShrink3D()
mag2.SetShrinkFactors(4,4,4) # 128MB here

mhdwriter = vtkMetaImageWriter()
mhdwriter.SetFileDimensionality( 2 )

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