[vtkusers] Problem with Qt-4.4.2 applications exiting with status 5 when linking to vtk-5.3 dynamic libraries on Mac OS 10.5.5 and Xcode-3.1.1

Elvis Dowson elvis.dowson at mac.com
Thu Sep 25 12:44:18 EDT 2008

I got it to work. I think it had something to do with my moving the  
location of the vtk libraries after running a 'sudo make install'  
command. When I attempted to compile the program using 'ccmake  
CMakeLists.txt', CMake complained about the location of a library file.

I then change my CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to point to a new location : / 

After that I made sure that the environment variables were correctly  
set as follows:

# environment variables for vtk-5.x
export VTK_DIR=/Users/elvis/Tool/vtk-5.x/install/carbon/lib/vtk-5.3
export VTK_LIB_DIR=/Users/elvis/Tool/vtk-5.x/install/carbon/lib/vtk-5.3
export VTK_DATA_ROOT=/Users/elvis/Tool/vtk-5.x/data/


and it worked.

Attached is the Xcode-3.1.1 project file.

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Best regards,

Elvis Dowson

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