[vtkusers] Bug found in vtkVoxelContourToSurfaceFilter.cxx

Yang, Jinzhong jinzhong76 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 11:01:33 EDT 2008

It is in the member function of class vtkVoxelContourToSurfaceFilter. When
pushing the distance along X or Y directions, forward and backward pushing
are both required. While in the backward pushing, (line 420-430 for X
direction, line 460-470 for Y direction), the pointer "vptr" is not updated.
For X direction, "vptr" should be updated with "vptr--" right after line
429, while for Y direction, "vptr" should be updated with
"vptr-=gridSize[0]" right after line 469. With this bug, the resulting
surface has a lot of "holes" when rendered for visualization. 

A question, can we push the distance along Z direction, just like what we
did along X and Y directions?

What if we compare the surface generation method in
vtkVoxelContourToSurfaceFilter with the method by converting the 2d contours
to a 3d binary image and then using itkAntiAliasBinaryImageFilter and
vtkContourFilter? Which one has more advantages?   

Jinzhong Yang, Ph.D.
jinzhong.yang at ieee.org
(713) 792-2814

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