[vtkusers] volume error calculation

Dominik Szczerba dominik at itis.ethz.ch
Tue Nov 4 17:34:27 EST 2008

you first need to represent this volume as a surface mesh.
vtk does not support general boolean operations on surfaces, try gnu gts 
or some surface modellers.


Sara Mahdavi wrote:
> I mean the volume 'enclosed' between two surfaces.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dominik Szczerba" 
> <dominik at itis.ethz.ch>
> To: "Sara Mahdavi" <saram at ece.ubc.ca>
> Cc: <vtkusers at vtk.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 2:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] volume error calculation
>> what is a volume between two surfaces?
>> yes, pretty much, vtk can help you (was it something called mass 
>> properties?)
>> Dominik
>> Sara Mahdavi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>  I have two triangulated surfaces defined by surface points and how 
>>> they are connected (the general format used in MATLAB). Are there any 
>>> codes which calculate the volume between these two surfaces?
>>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
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