[vtkusers] fonts in 3D plots

Chris Marks chrismarks1972 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 12 14:48:13 EDT 2008


I am asking for help, because I would like to produce annotated 3D graphs with a single font style for axes annotation, plot title, colorbar scale etc., whereas the VTK 3D plot examples that I have seen always use a mixture of font decorations, italics,...

These are two examples which I consider "nice looking":

This is an example from octaviz. Examples from mayavi look similar:

Maybe it is just a question of the octaviz or mayavi code, or I only need to change a single parameter. But I would like to avoid
- the black shadow under the axes tick marks text, which doesn't appear at the other texts
- the italics font at the colorbar scale whereas the formula "Z=cos(X)..." isn't italics

If you say, that this is no question related to VTK, but that I have to modify the octaviz tool instead, I'll do so. But if there is a reason, why the octaviz and mayavi developers have chosen such a "wild" style, I would like to know, whether VTK puts any restrictions in the choice of selectable fonts, especially whether (and how?) I will be able to use standard truetype fonts in VTK plots.


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