[vtkusers] Plotting polar data in 3 dimensions

David Harrington drharrington at wbmpl.com.au
Mon Jan 21 01:02:46 EST 2008

Hi all,
I'm afraid I'm very new to VTK, but it seems to be the best fit for an 
application I'd like to write. If any one can help out with some pointers it 
would be great.
I have an array of data in polar co-ordinates, e.g.
Angle  /  Radius  0       1       2        3 ....
0                    (val)    (val)  ...
1/2000            ....
(sorry if that didn't format properly...)
that I'd like to plot in 3d, where (val) would be the height of the surface. 
>From what I can tell, I need to use a structured grid... but past that I 
could do with a helping hand! If anyone has example code, or just pointers, 
it'd be great to hear from you!
I'm using MayaVi with python to do the actual visualising...
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