[vtkusers] interaction during data generation

TAJCHMAN Marc marc.tajchman at cea.fr
Mon Feb 25 08:23:18 EST 2008

Hi everyone,

I wonder if it's possible (in a C++ program) to interact (i.e. zoom, rotate, ) with the graphical scene while data generation.

To be more precise, in a N-body simulation code, particle positions are displayed at each time step (during the computations).
Is it possible for the user to modify the view point during the simulation ?

The code is written in C++ and uses vtk C++ libraries calls. It's a sequential code now but it will evolve to a multi-threads and/or multi-processes implementation.

Thanks in advance for any advice,


Marc Tajchman 
Laboratoire de Génie Logiciel et de Simulation
Software Engineering and Computer Simulation Laboratory
Tél : +33/1 69 08 73 27
Fax : +33/1 69 08 52 42 
mailto:marc.tajchman at cea.fr

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