[vtkusers] vtkTupleInterpolator Python issues

Joshua Kollat juk124 at psu.edu
Fri Aug 8 13:59:26 EDT 2008


I am using VTK 5.0.4 and am trying to use the vtkTupleInterpolator class 
in Python 2.4.  However, the AddTuple and InterpolateTuple methods are 
not available.  I have confirmed that these methods are defined in the 
source code for my build.  However, they appear to be missing in the 
Python wrapping for some reason.  Interestingly, the RemoveTuple method 
is available.  Has anyone run into this issue before?


Joshua B. Kollat - Ph.D. Candidate 
The Pennsylvania State University
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
406 Sackett Building
University Park, PA 16802
PH: 865-2342

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