[vtkusers] a vtkStdString error

菠萝 mark.jefferson at qq.com
Wed Apr 2 22:00:10 EDT 2008

Hi, everyone,
     I use VC and VTK 5.0.3 to write a win32 console application.
     in my codes, I want to use class vtkStdString to save some correlative information. but when I compile it, I get a error :
     C:\vtk\common\vtkstdstring.h(25) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'vtkstd/string': No such file or directory
    Error executing cl.exe.
     so I have to find class vtkStdString's source codes, and I find this : 
     #include <vtkstd/string>       // For the superclass.
     and this is the reason that my codes make a mistake.
     because in win32 console application, I could not use CString. and I only could use string.h, but vtk don't accept class string's output. 
     so who can tell me what I should do to correct this mistake? what is wrong with my VTK? do I need to recompile it again?
     thank you for your help!
 PS. my original codes:
 #include "vtkStdString.h"
 vtkStdString str;
     str = NULL;
 vtkScaledTextActor * text = vtkScaledTextActor::New();
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